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Monday, October 15, 2012

My Wonderful 72 Hour Weekend

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to share with you that I just spent an amazing 72 hours in a Emmaus walk for women at Ceta Canyon, Tx.

I am in another awe struck moment of God and what He does...In this walk I saw God take things so broken, shattered, tormented, dead and create the most beautiful vessels full of life, beauty, forgiveness, love and made them into master pieces of Grace! I should never be stunned at what God does because He is such an amazing God an there is no words to fully describe just how wonderful He truely is.

Our family has been going through such a hard time these last couple of months, My husband was let go as Pastor of the church we had been at for the last 2 years and yet we knew that God was going to move us. We still were not prepared for it, but God is good has been so good to us and has a plan for us as we are his children and He will not forsake us.

It has been hard for us as Jehromie my husband is a true Pastor at heart and longs for that as this is what God has called and purposed him to do but we know everything will come together at the right time when God purposes. We have learned so much these last 2 years and we know this was just a training ground for where God will be taking us in the future. If there were no trials we cannot learn, will not gain strength and our faith will never grow because there would never be a reason to cling to God so I am thankful for each and every trial as I know this is Gods way of making me stronger in Him and able to weather any storm that comes our way. We always have to remember that God never leaves the boat!!! He never left my boat He is still there and that keeps me in faith knowing God has got this!!

During this 72 hours God really showed me alot about my self in the watching and seeing of others and their pain and He also revealed a great big road block that I had in my life that I had buried so far down in myself that was something so awful and horrible for me that I had literally forgotten about for many many years I guess a repressed memory....well needless to say God grabbed a hold of that and pulled and yanked that right out of me and laid it right in front of me! 

This I will tell you in simply no other words devestated me, but in all in all though for me to be used of God I have to be clean pure and holy and with this garbage that you could literally say Jesus took out my garbage this weekend...had to be gotten rid of!! I will be honest even though I am not happy about having to remember everything all over again, I do realize I am thankful God did not forget about it when I had because I do want to be used of God and to be in service for His kingdom and one day be able to maybe help a lady that may have gone through the same thing I have.  

I am on the road to healing and forgiveness, you can now say i have been moved out of ICU and moved to a room in dealing with this garbage Jesus removed..God is Soo Good to us and I am so thankful I have a heavenly Father who loves me so much even with all my faults and failures that I have done but I am washed in the blood of Christ an He has forgiven me and in His eyes I am His precious daughter and I am so precious to Him and guess what SO ARE YOU!!!

God Bless & Decolores
Leigh Penrod

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