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Friday, June 3, 2011

God is more then able

Midway Ladies Talk- God is more then able…

Verse: 2 Cor 12:9

And the Lord said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my affirmaties, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Good Afternoon everyone, I just want to say what a true honor it is to be asked to be a speaker here today. I kept asking God all week long to give me something, to help me know what I am suppose to bring to you today and all I got all week was just bits and pieces of the things which kept coming to mind…I am more then able, My grace is sufficient…so this is what I will be talking to you about today and I pray that this will be a blessing to you…

First let me tell you a little about myself, for those of you who do not know me I am Leigh Penrod my husband Jehromie Penrod the Pastor of Roaring Springs Full Gospel Church in Roaring Springs , we have been there since November and have grown to so love it there and all the people it is truly home for us! We have a daughter named Kylie that just turned 14 so please pray for me..I am not use to the Alien that has showed up to the

And now if you allow me to I would like to tell you my story and this will allow you to truly see how God grace can overcome anything this life tries to throw at you..

My name is Leigh Penrod and I started A Changed Heart Ministries about a year ago to help inspire women of all walks of life that there is nothing they cannot overcome through Christ.

Here is my story:

As I got older I often wondered Lord why in the world did you have me to go through the things I have like I grew up in a small town, poor and having a father who was not the spiritual head of the household or even the head of the house. My mom wore the pants in the family so to speak and she was a raging alcoholic. I have an older brother who is 13 yrs older then me which left to go into the Navy to escape the abuse my alcoholic mother was doing to him..After he went into the Navy I really never saw my brother much at all. My brother use to be so mean to me an tell me i am really not part of the family and try to hurt me in ways to actually kill me...but we wont get into that...When my brother went into the Navy the abuse transferred over to me. My mom would get into drunken states and just beat on me for no reason I always had to wear pants and turtle necks to school even in the blaze of summer to hide the bruises & scars.

I did go to church, my father took me every service but my mom never went she said it was full of hypocrites and i wish sometimes to tell her you would fit in but held my tongue. But my family was no means the church type we went to church but as soon as you came home the abuse was back, the cussing was back , my mom fighting with my dad. My dad was just as abused by my mom as I was. It was just a horrible situation that never ended so as I got older and the abuse continued to worsen my grades were sinking into the ground I tried to commit suicide numerous time with no luck ( which I now know why they never succeeded God had other plans for me) I would turn to bad boyfriends who would abuse me as well, I guess i felt I deserved this and there was no other difference to which I was around so it was natural. I had one boyfriend who was so abusive to me that he was in karate and I had to lock myslef in the bathroom so he would not kill me with his swords...he got mad because i would not go the kitchen and get him a coke..

Because of all the abuse I was going through I got so used to it, it was natural to me...I did not have any friends because I was taking out my pain on them in being mean. I did not see what was happening at the time till I got so much older. At 14 yrs old I was taken away from my mom, report cards were coming and my aunt called the school and told my principal not to give me my report card or my mom will beat me and my mom had told me before hand that if i got bad grades she was going to beat me with an inch of my life..well before all this with the daily abuse that she was doing to me i could not in any way shape or form concentrate in school the teachers already knew what was going on as some of them tried to talk to my mom and she just cussed them all bad grades were all i had to bring to my mom..and my mom kept her promise in beating me with an inch of my bus driver was up to what my mom had been doing and that day when i came home with my report card when i got off the bus my bus driver turned to me and said if you come on this bus with any more bruises I am taking you to the principal that she was so tired of seeing what my mom had been doing to me..

Needless to say my mom was waiting in the car for me at the bus stop...i was so scared i hate to say it but if i had a gun to shoot myself i would had done it that day. That’s how scared of her beating me again but worse this time...i was so scared i actually peed my pants upon entering the car which flew mom in such a rage she hit me all the way home and then she asked for my report card...i shakingly gave it to her and she said ok that’s it your dead i am going to beat you so hard your going to wish you were dead.

At this point I was wishing i already was...she let me go to the bathroom when i got home and this is one of the times i tried to kill myself i took some numerous pills (but never took an affect)but she was waiting in my bedroom with a beer can in one hand and belt in the other...she began to hit me with the belt buckle end and put my head between her legs and just kept hitting me with the belt buckle until she started seeing blood she finally stopped i do not think i ever screamed so loud in my life and i was begging God to just take my life as I was done...when she finally finished and left my room..I just prayed to God to end my life...I went to bed that night with no dinner, I had hurt so much all night I did not know the extent of my injuries from her beating till the next day when i went to school i was in again a turtle neck and pants but what my mother didn’t realize my bus driver could see the bruises i had from where she hit me with the belt buckle...she had gave me a black eye from hitting me in the face my hands were all bruised up from me trying to shield from her swings and she had actually hit my hands my head she hit me everywhere..needless to say my bus driver made me stay on the bus when i got to school and she took me to the principal and demanded something be done so child protective came to the school and took numerous pictures of me...i had deep bruising and deep lacerations on my back, arms, legs, face, they sent me to the er and the doctors said that she gave me a concussion and nearly broke all my fingers in my hands and severely bruised my left cheek bone which caused my black eye..and my back looked in comparison to what Jesus endured...doctors said it looked as she was in a rage, and wondered how a mother could do this to her child i just told them i am use to it...I never understood why God did you place me in this family or why have you not let me die yet at this point i wanted to.

Anyway my mom was arrested and because of her health condition as a severe diabetic was only placed on probation that if she ever laid another hand on me she would go to jail for 55 years..I was placed with my aunt and i enrolled into a new school and my grades instantly went from literally 0's to straight A's

I lived with her for 6 months and then they made me return to my mom that she had stopped her drinking and that she was better now..Yeah right what a lie...she was still and alcoholic and instead of hitting me she verbally abused me...I slowly went right back to where i was before.

I finally graduated school an then left home, got a job and apartment and then a few years later met a man (which was 13 yrs older then me)i thought was the man of my dreams which ended up being a nightmare. We had a daughter which is now 13 years old, anyway he had 4 boys of his own so i was a 22 year old step mom to children at the age of 1, 9, 11 and 13 which was very hard ,but my husband at the time had a horrible ex wife that always caused strife which in turn would make him fly into rages where he would attack his boys with verbal and physical abuse in which i would have to pull him off of them.

As his stress and rages got worse he started to state well i will just kill myself and i would talk him out of it, but then it would go from oh i am going to kill myself i will just kill all of us and take us from this misery by this time his verbal abuse and physical abuse that me and my daughter and his boys were getting i started to hate him. He disgusted me so much i would get sick physically when he wanted to be intimate and he would ask what’s wrong and i would just lie and say oh i may have the flu. if i told him the truth he would had flew in a rage and no telling what then would had happened, but at this time it was just not my horrible husband i had to deal with it was what my father was doing that i had no idea till after the fact.

I received a call one night at 4:00am from my dad saying my mom was really sick i was like ok she was always going into diabetic comas due to her drinking so it was nothing new to me anyway went to the hospital and they diagnosed her as having a bleeding ulcer so i went to the doctor and asked them to test and see if she had been drinking and sure enough she had...they made her enter into a rehab for 72 hours...she went willingly which i was so surprised but she never said anything against it just said ok...I think she was tired of being the way she was for so long...she was in the rehab for 72 hours i visited her each day and i saw a mom i had never seen before emerge...she came home and the next couple of days went by and i got a phone call from her and she was crying and i was like mom you ok and she this is what she told me. I am so sorry for all the awful things i have done to you, have said to you and can you find it in your heart to ever forgive me..and I told her mom you were already forgiven just because your my mom...and she proceeded to tell me she went to church for the first time the past sunday and she got saved..I was so happy for her and praising the Lord with her..I had a brand new mom and was so excited to now have the relationship i always wanted...which was short lived 2 weeks later...

As I said short and my mom talked everyday on the phone since she got saved and I truely saw a difference in her she was no longer drinking...totally changed...well the last day I talked to my mom she called and I was severely sick with the flu and was going to the doctor later that day to see if they could do anything anyway mom told me to call her back and let her know what the doctor said but she was going to be going shopping to get dad some shoes and other stuff and she would be home by dinner but when i went to the doctors office they gave me a high powered shot that literally knocked me out and when i went home i only planned to lay down a couple of hours but I woke up at 4:00am from a call from my dad saying mom was sick again and then he proceeded to tell me it is really bad this time..which he had never said ever before when he would call..

So I rushed to the hospital, by the time I got there mom had a major heart attack due to the ambulance driver not logging into the chart that he had given her a bag of glucose which when she arrived at the er they gave her another bag which ballooned her to 250 pounds, she only weighed 115 to begin with...they were able to get her somewhat stable and placed her in the this point my whole world sank to the ground I was mad at finally gave me the mom i have longed for for so long and now your taking her from me..she was in the hospital 10 agonizing brother came, my aunt and her brothers and uncles. my dad actually went crazy they had to admit him to the psychiatric ward and all power of attorney went to me..and on top of this the doctors told me to not show any emotion as to not let mom know anything, as by this point they told me that she would not survive having to know this made it so hard for me. so all i could ever seem to tell her was Mom I love you and she would motion the same thing back since she was on a ventilator. I am crying as I type this...this is still so raw in my heart still seems like it was just yesterday this all happen...but God is proving to me each day now that He has and always will be beside me to help me through it. One thing I never understood at the time i full well know now but when my dad would enter her room she would go nuts her blood pressure would spike and her heart rate would skyrocket. so they would not let him in there to see her, and on one account my aunt tommy went in to see my mom and she asked my mom Ruth, i cant understand how this happened to you do know how this happened how you got so bad all of a sudden and my mom shoke her head yes she knew..Never clicked at the time, but now I know what she was talking about...and then the doctors came to the family and said they found rubbing alcohol in her system which was forming formaldehyde...we were like she had stopped drinking, and there is no way she would drink or inject that into her system...but before this me and my aunt went to go clean the house because at one time the doctors said she may survive this so we went and cleaned the house so she would not have to do anything at all when she got home and i was the one who cleaned the refrigerator. and mom always had a open out of the box insulin bottle and then always had a spare that was always in the box in the refrigerator and remember seeing this when i cleaned the back at the hospital the doctor asked for someone to go to the house and bring anything she could had ingested because if they could find what it was in time they could save her well i remember dad and my brother went back to the house and in my dads hand when he came back to the hospital was the insulin in the box not the one that was the bottle which she had been using...nothing still clicked at mad at myself now. but anyway

My mom passed away on April 30, 1998 this year will make 13 yrs since she has been gone and it still seems like just dad, my brother and me went to the funeral home and my dad is sitting there making arrangements and my mom always wanted to be cremated so my dad tells the man at the funeral home he wants mom cremated and brother were like what!!?? The man at the funeral home said we never cremate twice as there is nothing left no ashes nothing and my dad was so adimate about I guess they did it..still nothing registered.

So family was coming to the house that afternoon and i told my aunt about it and she said that is so werid why and i said i have no dad had me and my cousin clean out my moms closet that same day as she died...still nothing clicked..the next few days went by my mom memorial service was planned and then on the way home we had my husband at the times boys and they wanted to go to the park close to where we lived so i said ok whatever..well when we went to park there was a car to pull up beside us and it looked just like my moms car..

I was like what in the world so I got out of our car and my dad gets out and some woman they were taking my nephew to play in the remember this is the same day of my moms memorial talk about mad, an instant hate raged in me for my father..he could not believe he was seeing me either..i told my husband lets go home now...

Later I talked to my uncle and he told me things i sure wish he had told me way earlier before moms death she may still be alive today, but I know God has a plan in this even if I do not understand

My uncle told me that mom had gone to him on different occasions and told him that she thought my dad was having an affair and that if anything ever happened to her to look into him doing it.

I did notice that I would see mom was having a lot of accidents like falling as one time her nose was broken and she said she fell on a tree root and the flea market and i believed her as I knew of the tree she was talking about. There was a time when she had a great big burn on her arm and she said she tripped and fell on the stove door...well my uncle told me that my dad had been abusing her...and then he proceeded to tell me something I had never wanted to hear in all my life....he told me my dad murdered my mom and this is how he did it...remember the day i was so sick and my mom went shopping well while she was gone my dad went in and extracted out all her insulin out of the bottle and then went and injected pure alcohol that she kept on the table in a jar and injected that into her bottle so when she came home for dinner and to take her shot she was injecting pure alcohol into her system...this is why dad did not bring the open insulin bottle to the this time this was just a theory..I am like ok...everything did not sink in till i started remembering all the little things and by this time there was no proof as she had been cremated twice and nothing left to test..but in the mean time my dad was having a hard time he was sleeping in parking lots said that mom was trying to get him at home..I was like well if what you did is true you need to be gotten. when i went to visit as he begged me to come and get some stuff of moms which i really did not want to but went just to shut him up as at this point i did not even want to be near the man.

While i was in the house i found all her pictures hidden in laundry baskets under beds, and he looked like he had not slept in weeks i think guilt was taking its toll now..i even called his pastor to see what he thought about the situation since the pastor was there the whole time of moms death and all and he said he feels that my dad did something horrible and when dad did go to church the last time the pastor was preaching about guilt and my dad walked right out and have never been in church since..

I had thought that my life was getting better but then it got so much worse, but So glad now it took the turn it did and here later you will see why. Back to the raging horrible husband

Me and my husband at the time started fighting like cats and dogs I was in nursing school and he was vey dominant and jealous man he was 13 years older then me..yes I know too old…but he had been married once before also and his ex wife was very terrible they had 4 children together and they would come on the weekends so with having a baby and then 4 other kids to worry about I was an instant babysitter…needless to say the stress that my husband at the time was going through from his ex was starting to take its toll on him as she was needlessly starting problems always taking him to court for more child support only because she could not stand that he married someone so young…but anyway he started abusing his kids and kylie and I would have to literally pull him off of his kids and making him stop being mean to kylie..and as I said I was going to nursing school he began to be jealous because I was working along side doctors and he was so sure I was going to have an affair with one..his anger starting getting so much worse he would not let me call my dad he would rip the phones out of the wall…to make a long story short it ended up he started contemplating suicide for himself and to be honest by this time I really did not care I know you are not suppose to hate anyone but I hated him..

But then he started saying ok I will kill you 2 and then kill myself and on this one occasion he took the gun out of the bedroom and grabbed my daughter kylie which was just about 2 ½ and placed a gun to her head and talking nuts I had to beg him not to do it and finally he let her go I do not think I have ever been so scared in my life and it was at that point I knew I had to do something but I knew I had no place to go…and could not go to my fathers house because he would just go there…So I drowned my sorrows in the internet and I created a website for public servants this was just after 9/11 and it was in that website that I met my now Husband…So I got to talking to him because he was a law enforcement officer and he gave me good advice on what to do, he told me to call the local authorities and I did and they told me with the information you have told me either you leave or we will take your daughter from you…So I prayed Lord I have no where to go what am I going to do I cant stay here and I do not want my daughter taken away..So I then talked to Jehromie and he then made a decision that has affected me and my daughters ever since..Jehromie said he was going to come get he was living in Texas and me in Florida and he drove the whole 26 hours with a friend to come get me…On the night in question that I left I only took the clothes on our backs and a few toys only…but my husband at the time was getting ready to leave for work and he looked at me and said what are we going to do and I hated this man with every once I had in me when he put that gun to my daughters head that was it for me..I told him did you ever think it maybe was nothing that could be done but I still had to portray to him that there was still hope so he would not be violent and he turned to me and said well in the morning you will see what I am going to do…he went on to work and then Jehromie arrived and we were on our way to texas…

We arrived 24 hours later and me and kylie stayed in a extra bed room of his..Jehromie helped me get a divorce, later I found out from detectives in Florida when they did a welfare check for us they told the officer who was doing the check do not put any information on the paper just that they are my husband I left had told them he planned to kill me and kylie that morning…he had the gun loaded and everything and they charged him with stalking to the detective he was harrassing in the county I lived in and him telling them if he ever finds us he is going to kill us both….

But to fast forward some…I felt so guilty about leaving him, now I was really living with someone who was not my husband so I really had to seek God in all of this and I still do not understand it all but I trusted God had a plan for me and kylie lives and now I realize it was through Jehromie..He helped me get a divorce and he gave me and my daughter a place to stay, never asked for anything in return and everything started to blossom between us and he started being a true daddy to kylie..and really the rest is history…so I approve of the way it began well no..but still trusted God to work out a plan and He has through it all and 2 years later me and Jehromie were married and I have been so immensely blessed and contribute it to God that we met, we began to be obedient and grow in the Lord, and he blessed us with several years of ministering opportunities. God then led us to the Texas Panhandle where Jehromie went on a Emmaus walk and surrendered to full time ministry, 3 months later I went and surrendered to women’s ministry. A Changed Heart Ministries

And 1 year to my Emmaus anniversary Jehromie was announced as the new pastor at Roaring Springs Full Gospel and we are on this journey for the Lord Jesus. wherever He tells us to go… we will go….There is nothing we wont do for the Lord we will lay our lives down for Him anytime and any day as to die is to Gain..

My story was to clearly say this to you, there is nothing God cannot fix there is nothing in this world that you can possibly go through that God cannot turn around for good you just have to allow Him to take control of it and trust Him will all you have because if you have ever been in the mess I have been in you have nothing left.

Romans 3:24 says: Being Justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus

See Jesus has already taken the stripes for all of us we are free through that cleansing blood of Christ this is what has helped me to forgive myself for the guilt I have felt all my life..

2 Cor 12:9 And the Lord said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my affirmaties, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Man was I weak in all that I had went through but it was not until I finally realized that I had no strength and had to seek the Lords face in all that was going on…and it was there that I saw those huge loving arms of God grab me and start hugging me in such a way I Knew I was in the safety of Jesus…We have to allow ourselves to be loved by God there is nothing that we have done or doing that keeps the love of God from us..He still loves us and He is there waiting for our hand to say Jesus please help me up and He does He brushes us off and says ok my darling lets try again…God is so merciful and loving…and He loves us all so much but we have to seek Him He is a gentleman he will not be pushy we must seek Him..

And by His wonderful marvelous grace we receive salvation

Eph 2;5 says Even when we were dead in sins. Hath guickened us to together with Christ, by grace are you saved..

Praise the Lord of Jesus thank you Lord Jesus for saving my wretched soul and seeing something I never saw you saw the makings of something beautiful while all I saw was a horrible wretchedness that no one could love but God you changed that Into something so amazing and I thank you.

We need to pray for the eyes of Jesus and see ourselves the way Jesus does he does not see the awfulness we sometimes see in ourselves he sees beauty and a heart after God that may just need a little more guiding. So if you are in a place where you feel like giving up, reach out your hands to the one who has been where you have been and walked where you have walked and is walking with you right now..Cling to the heart of Jesus and allow Him to create a new heart mind and soul in you…And then sit back and see the wonder and grace that He will bestow upon you just like the story of the prodigal get ready to wear the robe of righteousness and be crowned in the crown of Glory from your heavenly yes he is our daddy…and a marvelous daddy He is..and remember there is nothing this ole world can throw at you that the Lord Jesus has not already over come with victory so claim that victory that is in you and shoot that victory of Jesus Christ right back to satan and say not having it today…Jesus loves you all so much and is waiting for you to come and meet with him….will you be to busy, will you make time for Him or will you drop everything just to have a precious moment with the Lord Jesus..

I pray that this has been a blessing and may God bless each of you

Love Leigh

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