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Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 4

Proverbs 1:7(KJV): "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction."

Thoughts for the Day

According to this scripture one must have "the fear of the Lord" to attain knowledge. Since this is true, we need to know what it means to "fear the Lord," as most of us desire to attain knowledge. In this verse, the "fear of the Lord" actually means "to be alarmed due to what could happen, if we disrespect or show lack of reverence to the Lord's Words." A good example of this would be if a young person respects the words of his father, he will heed those words and not disobey, as he knows the consequence of doing wrong will bring the father's disfavor and punishment. This same thing applies to our heavenly Father. If we really respect and believe the Words of God we will not disobey them, as we know there will be a penalty for doing so. We resist sinning as we fear the consequences. The acknowledgement of this one truth truly is the gateway to attain the knowledge of God.

People that have no "fear of God" go about breaking the laws of God, as if nothing will ever happen to them. The Bible refers to these people as foolish. Fools are those who are rebellious and despise the wisdom and instruction of God. Because our God is a merciful, sometimes people do not immediately pay for the consequences of their sins, but in time, all of us will reap what we sow, as that is what the Word of God says in Galatians 6:7: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." The only way the reaping and sowing process can be stopped is through repentance of our sins. When we accept Jesus as our savior, because He paid the penalty for our sin on the cross, we do not have to pay for it. We escape hell and all of its consequences. How wonderful this is. It can be compared to having someone who comes and plows up a field of sin where the weed seed we planted would sprout in time. Instead, through Christ's love for us, we are now given a clean plowed field, so that we can plant a good crop. One that we can enjoy and even have an abundant harvest to bless others.

Prayer for the Day

My Father in Heaven, I am thankful for saving me from the consequences of my sins.� I do ask you to forgive me for all of my trespasses and sins that I have committed in the weakness of my flesh.� Help me today to resist the temptation to yield to any sin. I know I cannot do this in my own strength, but I call on you to give me the power to overcome the desires of my flesh.� Lord, I acknowledge my respect, fear and awe of You. Deliver me from all foolishness.� I trust that You are "all wise" and ask that you teach me your ways so that I might walk in a path of blessing and be a blessing to all I meet today.� I ask this in Jesus' name, Amen.

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