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Monday, March 29, 2010

The Gift Of Sabbath

The Gift Of Sabbath

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.
Genesis 2:2

When was the last time you rested? Really rested? In our fast paced multi tasking world, the idea of resting--let alone taking a day of rest each week--seems foreign, almost mythical, in a world that is addicted to hurry.

Rest demands that stop completely. We stop the frantic pace. We stop checking things off our to do lists. We stop measuring our worth by our productivity, and thats not always easy. Performing is often easier then simply being, if you go too long without rest, it can feel foreign--you don't quite know what to do with yourself. Maybe thats one reason God commands that we rest regularly.

Our culture tells us time is money. The Sabbath reminds us that this time is Holy. A day off reminds us that we belong to God--our Creator, our provider, and the Source of our strength. As you embrace the sabbath in your own life, remember to be kind and grace giving to yourself. Expect things to not go according to your plans, and always look for the joy. The sabbath is a gift, are you ready to receive it?

1. Have you ever gone so long without rest that when you did try to rest you didn't know what to do with yourself?

2. Why do you think God established the pattern of Sabbath-or taking one day off a work-from the beginning of time?

3. What advice do you have for someone who can't take off the same day every week or even a full day because of their work schedule?

In the old testament, the idea of Sabbath is introduced after God's people had been in slavery and captivity. The sabbath was designed by God to give the people rest and allow them to stop working and reconnect with Him.

4. Read Exodus 20:8-11. What does it mean to you to keep the sabbath "Holy"?

5. Why do you think the passage instructs that everyone in the household--including the animals--should rest? In what ways can rest be contagious?

Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus was often criticized for His activities--particularly healing people--on the Sabbath. While Jesus knew it was important to honor the Sabbath. He recognized that there were some things that were more important.

6. Read Mark 2:23-27. What do you think Jesus meant when He said,"The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath"?

7. Do you tend to view the idea of the Sabbath as more of a burden or a gift?

8. In what ways have you set apart a Sabbath or a day of rest in your schedule? How has it affected you, your relationship, or your life?

The truth is the Sabbath is a gift from God. The Sabbath reminds us that time is holy. The Sabbath asks us to put the breaks on a busy schedule and take time to rest our souls, reorder our worlds, and realign ourselves with God.

"Digging Deeper"

The sabbath wasn't just something for the Israelites. The Book of Hebrews reminds us that the teaching and principle behind the Sabbath extends to all people for all time. Read Hebrews 4:9-11. Why is the idea of Sabbath rest so important for your spiritual life? How does taking time to unplug give you the opportunity to plug back into a closer relationship with God?

"Ponder and Pray"
Does anything ever stop you form "finishing the work" you've been doing? Why do you think recognizing finishing lines are important in life?

"Bonus Activity"
Select one day this week to celebrate the Sabbath. Go ahead and decided ahead of time what you will and will not do in order to make the day special. As you approach the day, try not to be legalistic. If you determine not to use your cell phone on the Sabbath, and then you get a flat tire, of course you should use your cell phone! At the end of the day, observe how the scheduled downtime affected your relationship with God.

"Next Lesson for May"
The Power of Margins
The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him.
Lamentations 3:25

I hope you enjoyed the bible study and that it richly blessed you
God Bless you,
Leigh Penrod
A Changed Heart Ministries

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