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Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 3

Proverbs 1:5-6 (KJV): "A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels: 6 To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings."

Thoughts for the Day

The book of Proverbs is referred to as the book of wisdom in the Bible. God caused Solomon to pen these great truths. He had learned wisdom, as we must all learn it -- by listening to and heeding the Words of God. We must ask God for ears to hear what the Lord is speaking. Some people complain that they cannot understand the Bible. Actually none of us can understand the sum total of the Bible, because it comes from a God who is unfathomable. However, when we come to God, and acknowledge Jesus as our savior, we are given new insight. We begin our journey of learning about our new Father and His ways. As we study His Book, the Holy Spirit gives us the understanding that brings us into wise counsel and we can increase our learning of the Almighty God.

After forty-eight years of studying the Bible, I am still in awe when I read a verse that I have read many times and never understood it and suddenly I am enlightened and can "understand a proverb" or that "dark saying." I realize this comes because of my relationship with the One who inspired the Bible in the first place. He has given me something of His heart or mind and my love for Him is deepened. We should always be grateful when God allows us revelation of His Word and, when we do not understand it at the moment, that is when we are called to trust Him. Perhaps, at a later time, as we mature and grow in Him, we can receive that understanding that we have asked Him for. In the meantime, we can certainly walk in the light of the Words we do understand.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Father, in Jesus' name I thank you for every bit of understanding I have received from your Word, the Holy Bible. I realize that it is by your Holy Spirit that I am given the grace to understand this magnificent Book.� Thank you for the message of love that comes through its pages and penetrates my heart;� a message that brings comfort and love and also a message of correction when I need it. Lord, may I always yield to those "course corrections" and line up with your Word.� I know that when I do I become wiser for it and I am blessed. Amen.

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